Raised panel shutters are a classic addition to any home. Handcrafted dual panel shutters impart dimension, colour and interesting shadows to the exterior. Choose from a wide range of colors and options to make any home unique.
Choose from a wide range of colors and options to make any home unique. Raised panel shutters are a classic addition to any home. Handcrafted dual panel shutters impart dimension, colour and interesting shadows to the exterior. Choose from a wide range of colors and options to make any home unique. Options: Single Panel, Extra Panel, Flat Panel, Custom Rail Location, Arch or Radius Top, V-groove Flat Panel, Single Panel with Vertical Cut Profile and Rabbeted Edge with Beading Widths: 12″ to 30″ in 1/8″ increments Raised Panel Fiberglass Shutters
Heights: 24″ to 108″ in 1/8″ increments
All dimensions are nominal.We Are Always Ready To Help You!