

Two out of Three Burglaries are Residential

Whether you are looking to protect a residence or a commercial building, we can find a solution for you.

According to FBI crime statistics, 2/3rd of all burglaries are committed on residential dwellings. About half of them take place during the day. Burglaries tend to be closely correlated with unemployment rates. In times of rising unemployment, you can expect an increasing number of burglaries.

Most Vulnerable: Doors And Windows

According to statistics, 79% of intrusions happen through windows and doors. Securing these vulnerable areas of entry should be your number one priority in break-in prevention.

Alutech combines durability and competitive pricing with the Security Roll Down Shutter. Equipped with the renowned end retention system, this single-walled slat offers optimal security protection from unlawful entry.

Some of the characteristics are:

  • Single Wall Extruded Aluminum Slat – Smallest Housing Size
  • Optional End Retention – added Security
  • Optional Perforation – let light through in closed position

The most exiting option for the Security Shutter is a micro perforation of the slats. This allows light to come through even, when the shutters are closed. The perforation enables security personnel to monitor the inside of the protected area visually, without opening or entering. The perforation option, the price efficiency, along with even smaller housing sizes than the Barracuda, makes this shutter our most versatile security shutter.

We Are Always Ready To Help You!